be amiss

A word of advice may not be amiss here .
An elegant turn of phrase would not be amiss .
A little of your most delicate orange scent would not be amiss .
Perhaps an explanation of the method that was in use when I took my examinations will not be amiss here .
Well , as I say , there seems to be something amiss about that reaction .
She 's so touchy about being able to look after herself that your offer of help may easily be taken amiss .
It pleased her to see that he was so captivated by her , and it never entered her head that there could be anything amiss in it .
Zeng Shen , in the mountains , suddenly felt a stinging pain in his heart , and knew there must be something amiss with his mother . He quickly bundled up the brush and kindling and ran back down the mountain.Arriving before his mother , he knelt in the doorway and asked her what was the matter .